Alpha: A pathway to prayer

By Liz Jacob

I was invited to attend an Alpha information evening by my parish Priest, I had no idea what Alpha was but I went along anyway, just to see what it was all about.

It turned out to be an interesting night. The video was awesome and I fell in love with the speakers Gemma & Toby, and in awe of Nicky Gumble. So that was it for me, I was hooked and yes, I wanted more, so I attended the full training session the next day.

I met so many wonderful people from my parish and we were all excited to commence our pilot Alpha course. I found that I was eagerly looking forward to our weekly sessions! Great food, great discussions and like-minded people sharing experiences. All of which has strengthened my faith, my prayer life and love for my fellow parishioners.



“Since the pilot I have been involved with three Alpha courses and I have been involved in all of them, mostly as the food coordinator. The original pilot group has stayed connected and we have formed a very strong bond.”



Since finishing the Alpha course, I find that I enjoy going to mass even more than before. I listen to the Gospel and the homily more intently and really try to understand what the message is and what it means for me. I am constantly searching for information through books, apps, the internet and the Bible. I pray more often and I even listen to Christian music in the car. I think I’ve become a spiritual junkie!

I am now involved in various ministries and councils for my Parish too. I also attend the RCIA weekly meetings; not just to support my community members but to also feed my own thirst for knowledge and spiritual understanding.

I guess you could say that Alpha has somewhat changed me, and I have been filled with the Holy Spirit. I am on a spiritual journey searching to find what my gifts are and how best to use them, so by the power and grace of God, I can do his will.